Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What kind of friend are you..???

It's been a while since i last posted anything new in my blog.. Cos the person who wanted me to create this blog hasn't been around since January and she will never be around the office anymore cos she got an offer from the federal government.. So therefore now, she's in Penang undergoing classes and training for dental thingy.. I miss my beb Hunny Bee...*sob2*

Talking about friends, recently some friends got way overboard about how i don't spent times with them anymore and blah, blah, blah... U see, when people said to you that they're your best-friend, you assumed that they'll understand your situation no matter how horrible that situation can get.. But if u're claiming being best friend then later claiming that ur friend didn't spend enough time with u, rather than attacking/assuming/take things into ur own matter/having "because i-am-right-and-important-than-anything-else" attitude, u must be one selfish and not-understanding bitches/assholes..

Ok, here's my situation.. Since last year, i got a few personal problems of my own.. I went through 3 break-ups within last year itself.. My never-ending family problems.. I'm having financial problems too cos i've been saving so that i can buy a house, so this means a change of hangout style (no more overspending on eating/buying things that would literally empty my wallet).. And to top it off, i gained weight, like seriously gaining cos i choose to succumb to my lost love (which he didn't give a f**king shit about my well being) and this weight-gaining really get the best of me (yes, i am depressed watching those kilos figure keep on climbing).. Oh, and also when a certain someone keep on bugging me to give him another shot (i lost count of how many shots i already gave him), this add to another problem for my brain to work their cells off everytime this certain someone would just simply raised an issue about how i won't commit to him and keep on blaming the same old mistake about me and "the other one".. Argghhh...sometimes i feel like shutting everyone out and run away but it's hard cos running away isn't the answer to any problems..

So, this one particular "friend", who, of all people knew what i went through last year, starts questioning about why i don't wanna hangout with her anymore.. I've explained to her i got a lot of things in my mind and i cannot cope up with her lifestyles and how she can spend her money anytime she wanted, and she said i was being ridiculous and just giving her excuses.. God..!! I even told her i bring my own food from home for lunch almost everyday cos i wanna save and she wasn't satisfied with that.. If i was a bad friend, why would i attend her b'day party every year without fail when she won't even ask how i wanted to spend my own birthday? I even apologise cos i choose to keep things on my own and do not want to burden anyone with my problems cos i know they can't do much about it and how i need someone who would be more than a listener and who would actually be there through my shittiest situations and who could actually accept my drastic change of lifestyle.. I was hurt by this "friend's" attitude and she wouldn't even apologise to me after i've explained about my missing-in-action situation..

So, i've decided to shut her out until she knew how much her accusations hurt me and apologise to me for not being understanding about my situation.. Not everyone is as lucky as she is and i am one of those people who's not that lucky.. I just don't get it why she wants things to go according to her ways only and that once in a while, if she would actually open her eyes to the fact that some of her friends (like me for instance) can't just simply follow her lifestyle/saying.. Go act being the mean bitch to someone else who actually irritates u and not on ur friends who has real problems..

p/s: I know i don't have the rights to condemn this particular "friend", but hey, i did apologise, didn't i? At least i can still put away my ego and be humble about my situation, so why can't she?

Good day and ciao ppl...

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